

KISEKI HELL - ❤️ @divinesabers ❤️ - Tales of the Rays - Tales of - SAO - Private account @Personal_Pouty

フォロー数:645 フォロワー数:2245

Confused why people say Nameku sucks, 5 million is solid to me for an EZA

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Oh right theres another treat for you-- Risette is getting a racer costume along with the other girls that will look something like this 👀👀

Im curious what color her costume will be

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SAO Integral Factor is getting more SAO characters in Tales outfits

Alice as Alisha
Sinon as Velvet
Leafa as Tear
Yuuki as Edna

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Less than a month left

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Happy 6th anniversary to Tales of Berseria!!!

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