


I love to draw cute girls and play games UwU

🔞NSFW account: @TalimAfterDark🔞

フォロー数:530 フォロワー数:695

Hey, I am Copper and I draw cute girls mostly, for now. I dropped doing art for years and took it up as a serious hobby end of December.

I am under 500, but I am very very close to this milestone !

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Hi I'm Copper and I draw cute girls.

at the moment I have a follower goal of 1k, but hopefully more in the future <3

Also, always looking for art moots !

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I dont really have a too consistent design for her so make what you can out of those two pictures :P

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MORE OLD ART from 2 ish years ago ?

This one was dedicated to my boyfriends Demon hunter in WoW.

Miss the good oul times when more of my friends played and we got some pog world ranks in mythic dungeons. good times

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(art from two years ago)
Nowhere near as epic as yours hah, im inlove with how you draw demon hunters <3

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day 13

practicing some realism...

will resume back to anime girls now k thx bye

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