


I love to draw cute girls and play games UwU

🔞NSFW account: @TalimAfterDark🔞

フォロー数:530 フォロワー数:695

I miss my nelf, but wow is nothing but a distant memory by this point as the content is trash.

Shes a proud and sexy druid healer.

(art is not mine ! the only art of her that i had readily available though )

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Not a 100% on the clothing design, really struggle with that part ><

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Account made a month before 2022 kek. Looks like i made it in time laaads.

pls follow, i am new to social media and i like art. I like to follow artists back too. Supporting my fellow artistes

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Hey, thanks for the art share. I'm copper and I draw fanart and ocs. I have only started my social media artist journey.

I am a big friendly idiot and looking to follow back any fellow artist and make friends, and maybe do some art trades.

Send ocs so I can sketch them for u x

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Hey, thanks for the art share, it also makes my day seeing beautiful art shared by others <3

Always looking to follow more artists :)

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Hey, I'm copper and I am new to twitter. Actually got my first followers today hah. I'm picking up the art hobby after years of neglecting it. Hope to grow and get inspired by all these artists in these art shares:) !

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Hey, I'm copper and I'm getting back into drawing again. I stopped this hobby when i was younger and hoping to keep at it this time round! Thanks for the Artshare and I hope to find some amazing artists here that can inspire me further.

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