

🇨🇺🇲🇽(🇫🇷🤏📖) || ART ARCHIVE @DeliveryPaints || priv @OlJerichoSticks || Multifandom (LOA main focus rn)

フォロー数:426 フォロワー数:4606

Oh no guys I don't think it was a normal beaver

8 56

Drawing of Kii I made whilst in a call with them last night

4 36

Sing funky apple man sing!

83 714

Maybe I'm thinking about them...maybe I miss them just a tiiiny bit

34 132

This was supposed to be for your birthday but I kinda couldn't finish it in time bUT HI

6 22

Forgot I drew this
More TapL for the day 👍

17 59