

Official twitter of Tam the Troll, Certified invertebrate and Goblin friend. He/him

Banner at by Wittch

No plague rats.

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:195

If you want to try and Goblin-ify a Troll, i throw myself at you. if you want to try an actual Goblin, i give you this old D&D Character of mine. Choice is yours, just choose one (if any) :P

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I'd *barely* call myself a Vtuber with how little i actually stream, so you can skip this one if you want. But hey, if you got a spot that's empty...

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You get an A.I. generated "eff you".

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A Majority of Troll clothing consists of three materials, Cloth, Hide, and "Good Leather". So lot of whites and browns going on, though dyes such as Red and Blue do exist.

The place where Trolls live has a lot of gold in the ground, so there's also a lot of gold jewellery.

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i have only ever played the game a handful of times. Like playing with colourless artifact decks, feels kind of like I'm cheating the whole "Colour wheel" system which is neat.

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At least this one isn't biting me.

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i wouldn't call myself an expert, but I've made a few, almost all of 'em Trolls, but still. Could give it a shot.

Any image references outside the main model / profile pic?

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I'm doing this because i feel threatened. /joke

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