

The sun herself as descended, so prostrate yourselves before my radiance! Ahh... I guess I'll also have to look for a husband eventually, Mikon!

フォロー数:108 フォロワー数:145
# faterp

I've decided that summer starts right NOW-

WHOOPS! Ehe~ I guess it's still a little too early huh?

Good thing I had one of my ultimate techniques up my sleeve to stop you all getting a peek of my ladylike bits.

[Mantra: Beams of censoring light EX]

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The warlords are getting along...

Oh no the warlords are getting along.

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It's almost time for summer.

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Everyone’s favourite fox goddess is here!



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I won’t make any weird claims like my being the greatest goddess or anything.

But I’m definitely the cutest!

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They said that did they? How rude of them... maybe I should curse them a little to remind them of their manners.

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I may not be their mother.

But if the servants of my domain want to act like children then SOMEONE has to bring them into line, so it might as well be me!

Actually why stop at just Japan, I'll teach everyone some manners if they need it!

None of you are safe from Tamamo-no-mae

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Remember to use me lots before that vile hussy comes to take my place as everyone's preferred Arts support.

And then make sure to give me plenty of attention so I don't get lonely, okay?

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Tamamo-no-Mae reporting in from a sunny little corner of Chaldea!

I'm not a big fan of the cold so I'm just going to stay riiight here in a bright and warm simulation until someone goes and turns the heaters on in my room.

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"Me? An evil, despicable, horrible fox? You can't prove any of that. After all, I'm just the lovely little Tamamo-chan~"

-Crack/Serious depending mostly on my mood
- Maybe multiship we'll see
-Primarily SWF
-Only Official artwork and edits there of

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