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フォロー数:1418 フォロワー数:194

There's an anime adaptation confirmed in progress TBA
Animation studio: Seven Arcs → (Blue Period, Trinity 7, →https://t.co/CMmZxp6msl)

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Ojou (ヲ嬢), which means Otaku lady
→multi-genre anisong singer-songwriter

The songstress supplied memorable Anime Theme songs throughout recurring yrs
•High school of the Dead
•Hellsing Ultimate
•Accel World
•Danganropa 3 Anime
•Recarnated as a Sword

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By chance, would Stella actually date the greased-up deaf guy?

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How the owl narrative is going

•capturing the attention
•seems trippy
•can't look away
•Too absorbed

is a Hypebeast

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Rolf (Ed edd Eddy) is a must with Black Air Force

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That's what any bestie, going beast mode for the Apex Hypebeasts would say https://t.co/FdCa4Ku29n

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Anime only; Vintage cuts
•Deadman Wonderland
•Ergo Proxy
•Hell Girl
•Neon Genesis Evangelion

*Hoping you're doing another segment*
*TMI Suggested - uncovering an understanding the undertones within underated Animated series*
*You did redo of a Healer* So that counts

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