

hello Im tanoshi, I'm a digital artist !
I hope you enjoy my work !!

🇪🇦 | 🚺

フォロー数:40 フォロワー数:237

Not a very good picture... I know > <;;
I designed this a long while ago, and i put it on my redbubble to print it as a bag ! I think it looks very cute in person ^_^

0 4

Commission for ! 💫
I had so much fun drawing this > . <

1 9

a little commission for

pandy 🐼

71 504

! offeroffer !

£23 for halfbody + rendered

only 13 slots ( 0/13 )
opened my dms for this

2 8

edit: i had to fix the leg

a little something for lunar new year
( especially because my character is a bunny )

0 9

had to fix the leg a little

0 1

demon woman lady thing

0 2