

Illustratorin | Comic-Artist | 🇩🇪 | LvL 35 | she/her
Anime/Manga | Games | Pen&Paper
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I'm good at making people laugh! Well, or at least grin or chuckle. Lift those corners of your mouth up a bit, whatever! https://t.co/2lHujVLFh9

1 5

when your players tell you they had fun during your first session as DM and they want to play more 😭❤️

0 16

Alle rituellen Opfer sind- EH, ICH MEINE alle Daumen sind gedrückt!

0 17

sammelt heute Spenden auf Twitch! mit
Team Weltherrschaft als Cheerleader ist das Spendenziel, das wir wollen 👀

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Next DnD class: Trash-Panda Rogue!

0 16

I miss drawing boobas like in the good ol' times. Look at these, done in 2015/2016 😭 But my booba game has become weak. I need to practice again

0 12

Monkey Paladin because is best Äffchen AND best Paladin.

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The next one is a ferret mage!
(As asked for by my friend )

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