

🔞Adult 18+ \\ ✏️ A R T 🎨// He/They // furry // demon/pug/orc // have manners please // hates feet, a lot// hasn’t changed his icon since 2013

フォロー数:881 フォロワー数:51757





The booty and the beach

871 3897

A birthday himbo

237 1352

Ever since i came to the physical realm, i’ve learned so much about it. However it has plenty of weird things too, like “babies”, “breathing”, or these “selfie” images.

Here i captured my husband . Mortals smile and pose in these.
Hey babe~

205 1286

“A lot of people told me im fat, dumb, ugly, or “why isnt his dick bigger”. I dont have that washboard wolf body on the magazines, so it’s hard to feel beautiful when everyone tells you youre not.”

“One day i tried on a thong and a demon appeared. He screamed:”


470 2401

It’s a blood moon out tonight and is there TO FUNK

487 2531

At first im like how did it fit in the frame, and them im like, the phone be like

7 75

Sometimes i draw things for myself. My oinky uwu✨

663 3220

Ahem. -alter

1070 4562