

🔞Adult 18+ \\ ✏️ A R T 🎨// He/They // furry // demon/pug/orc // have manners please // hates feet, a lot// hasn’t changed his icon since 2013

フォロー数:881 フォロワー数:51757

Tanline 😤

217 1110

Summer Sketches vol. 4

Another great set of boys. Commissioner handles included, if you'd like to check them out.

203 1120



You encountered a wild Nidochi
Get ready to be sat on

496 2229

No time for more but i think this will do

13 95

You asked, and Saber delivered
(He just wants any opportunity to show off)

304 1542

I completely forgot that it is so twitter you get a bonus Bowser drawing

1411 4788



The Vampire King (Adventure Time)

334 1821

Dont fear l’amour, my petunia~
(I heard its national skunk day so have Pitu lePew)

180 935