

Soukoku💎 #太中🌹 DaChuu🌱
Dazai Demon Prodigy❤️‍🩹 Chuuya Fallen Angel🪽
StormBringer movie🙏
"We met 7years ago🍀"
Minors DNI🔞

フォロー数:792 フォロワー数:35707

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the brightest golden sunshine and sweetest spring flower ever,Haruki Nakayama,the one without him Given wouldn't have existed,the mother of the group who maintains the harmony,finding his well-deserved happiness and love with Akihiko🌸

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Back in code 7 Akihiko pointed out to Ritsuka his blushing embarrassed face basically said he was in love with Mafuyu,he wasnt expecting one year later having the exact kind of messy face for Haruki,totally struck by the same amount of deep overwhelming feelings ^^

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The first arc was about the adults helping the youngs,showing them the balance between love and music,making Mafuyu confronts his past and Ritsuka accepts his feelings,the second arc will be about the youngs helping the adults,getting them to communicate properly.

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Fifteen light novel
D: I can't think when i'm walking with you
C: Don't worry.I also can't think when i'm around you
D: Fufu,we're compatible,It must be because I LOVE YOU!
C: Ugh stop it! That's so sick i could die!
D: ...Yeah,i think i'd also feel sick and die

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The AU of BSD are giving us canon hints about the characters relationship the main plot doesnt have time to focus on,in the Gakuen! the cards are officially put this way with Dazai looking fondly discreetly at a cute oblivious Chuuya,he is so loving his chibi ^^

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In Fifteen light novel Dazai's strategy was to use the table drape to connect his nullifying ability to Chuuya and protect him from Randou's attack,Chuuya wrapped the cloth around his waist while Dazai held it secretly from the other side like a canon DOG LEASH!

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Before singing Mafuyu's mind is always focused on Ritsuka,for Fuyu no hanashi he was thinking that Ritsuka was the first person who finally understood him,for Beyond the night he was thinking how much he loved Ritsuka,he is the trigger who makes his voice comes out

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Fifteen light novel adds more of this bickering:
When Chuuya threw a tantrum at the Arcade,Dazai REPORTED THE BREAKING NEWS in an article titled "This week Chuuya's unwilling to admit defeat",so when Chuuya joined PM everyone greeted him with a mocking smile XD

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Dazai's fingers on Chuuya escaladed to sensual gestures from their teenage years to their adulthood,a teasing poke became a intimate lips brush and a neck palm became a cheek caress,Dazai telling he doesn't want to touch his chibi too much but he keeps doing it!

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Dazai OFFICIALLY loves to touch Chuuya's cheek and hair since their fifteen,Dazai was teasing his chibi poking his cheek and pinching his hair while Chuuya was struggling helplessly telling him to let him go in vain,it explains the post-corruption tender gesture

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