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Lord of The Rings art by Jian Guo - View on Imgur https://t.co/cGHYqbvjfY via @imgur
'The Night Escorted by the Geniuses of Study and Love,' c.1883 - c.1885 - Pedro Américo https://t.co/XIPxDUx7dI via @wikipaintings
In Roman mythology, holly was the sacred plant of the god Saturn, and to honor him at the Saturnalia festival, the Romans gave each other gifts of holly wreaths. Christians would place holly wreaths in their houses to avoid detection https://t.co/F0xO6zoD66 #FolkloreThursday
#MythologyMonday In Greek mythology,Hypnos is the personification of sleep.His name is the origin of the word hypnosis.He lives with his brother Thanatos in the Underworld (Hades), where the rays of the sun never reach them
🎨John W. Waterhouse, 'Sleep and His Half-Brother Death'
#GothicAdvent Historical records indicate that some medieval Europeans believed the Wild Hunt capable of rampaging through their dreams. In many locales the ghostly riders were thought to be most active during the 12 Days of Xmas https://t.co/1r93BZQEaV
🎨Peter Nicolai Arbo
#MythologyMonday 'The Castle of Otranto' (1764) by Horace Walpole is generally regarded as the first Gothic novel. The initial edition purported to be a translation based on a manuscript printed at Naples in 1529 https://t.co/qXPaGmwKqQ
The Biodiversity Heritage Library Makes 150,000 High-Res Illustrations of the Natural World Free to Download https://t.co/NWZaJ6WnrO via @openculture