Natg2019 Day15: today’s prompt is to Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony crossing over, hence to say Ive been playing a bit too much of Oxygen Not Included as of late, making a rocket is hard x.x
natg2019 Day14: today’s prompt is to Draw a lovesick pony / Draw a pony experiencing puppy love, so I drew Chrissy missing her loyal subjects, and only has this tiny little plush to hold her over (I realize she just looks like a bean)
NATG 2019 Day10: today’s prompt is to Draw a pony as another species (Draw a MLP species other than a equine) / Draw a pony starting a new life, so I wanted to doodle a suspicious Coffee as a breezie
natg2019 Day9: today’s prompt is to Draw an episode idea you’ve always wanted in the show / Draw a pony with a bright idea, so an episode I would wanna see would be a flashback episode of Twilight as a filly
NATG 2019 Day7: today’s prompt is to Draw a pony’s darkest secret / Draw a sneaky pony, so I drew Fluttershy’s darkest secret being that she actually has freckles!!!