

youtube.com/c/TazerLad All around Geeky Anime YouTuber! My YouTube Banner is by @Pungoro
Current Mood: Support Usazaki

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:979

Miura makes me want to improve at art

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There are exactly two flavors of series descriptions on the Jump app. Punny and then just... normal...

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Pokemon Trainer Shion Yozakura! Quick idea I wanted to sketch out for the fun of it. Went with Espeon just for the aesthetic choice but Porygon was a must since she's a hacker haha.

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April marks the end to the first third of Mutsumi Madness. What's your favorite so far? Any future themes/cameo's you'd like to see? I've been having a blast with this project I started on a whim.

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It's April 1st so I did a quick sketch for Chiyoko's birthday. This was a future I'd always envisioned in the series, but since we'll never get that, I thought I'd attempt to illustrate it myself. So here it is and Happy Birthday to the Angel of Stars.

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Gondaira just flat out has the best color pages in Jump right now. This is not up for debate.

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Quack. Drew a couple of Ducks on a whim. A slightly more of a complex pose than I normally do but I'm happy with it!

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