

youtube.com/c/TazerLad All around Geeky Anime YouTuber! My YouTube Banner is by @Pungoro
Current Mood: Support Usazaki

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:979

It's April 1st which means it's Chiyoko's birthday! I did an illustration last year so I figured why not follow up for both a benchmark of progress and because I had the idea to take inspiration from the Millennium Actress cover, which was too good an idea to pass up.

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Chat harassed me on stream today until I drew a Zebra.

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New manga, who dis?

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With wickedly clever writing and heartfelt moments galore, I understand the reason this series is so beloved. Likewise massive respect for telling the story it wanted to in just two seasons. I can definitely see myself coming back for rewatches in the future 🌲9.5/10

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Minor self appreciation post but I'm really happy when comparing my Nico from last June and now. Probably helps that the new one is in full color but still!

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Also did this background which I like quite a bit as well

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Princess Kraehe - Well looks like it's time for my yearly Princess Tutu fanart! Really I should draw the cast more because their designs are too good.

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Howl's Moving Castle - A delightful and fun film as I march ever closer to watching Ghibli's entire catalog. Despite it being pretty renowned, I was surprised by how little I knew going in. Perhaps everything resolves too easily but that's my only substantial critique 🏰9/10

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