

One planet, one species united | SCP Author | Profile pic by @Just_Randie
Every social you can think of in my linkt.ree

フォロー数:543 フォロワー数:265

bird crate on pixiv created this wonderful Piece of art of Benjamin and the style of art is spectacular.

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juanpabpinos on insta made this piece of Benjamin, and I love the look and shadowing of the piece.

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simply___sammm on instagram made this of scp-xxxx and the pose to the papers tells a story that just needs to be told

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Tukva2521 on DeviantArt created this piece that is just glowing off the screen of Benjamin and I am Over joyed with how it looks.

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floorstringcheese on instagram made this great drawing, I love the premise so much.

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zhi_ma_hao_you made this and the image conveys so much emotion in all aspects of the drawing, starting from the pose.

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