

I put the trolly back.

YouTube: youtube.com/@teacakes_13
Website: WIP

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:119

In at the doctors tomorrow as my jaw is swelling and pulsating, also got the dentist booked .

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Fuck a duck this weeks been tiring. I have managed to play maybe 3 hours of gaming this whole week. Hoping to get streaming this Saturday and get some lvls in WoW classic.

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After 2 days on the couch I think I am done with my cold.

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I'll be streaming in 30 minutes, that's how long of Jurassic Park 3 I have left to watch :D....i know the gif isnt JP3

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seems to be ripping off one of my designs. I can't find my original photos but I do have the convo of the pin maker I was working with, with the dates on. Not helpful that they don't have the yr but we haven't reached 20th May and I don't have a time machine.

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Me: Shadap stupid brain. No, nope nopidy nope noooooooo we do not need to think of that mean comment when we were 13 or the white noise while you root around for stupid memories!

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Everytime I hear the phrase gatekeeper I think of Ghostbusters.

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