

Analysts dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the editing of VLD S8, and securing the release of the original season. #FREEVLDS8 🖤❤️💚💛💙💖💜

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:266

We received a tip that in certain regions which previously had all 8 seasons, Netflix has removed VLD S7&8, and is now sporting new and newly re-formatted bumpers. If you previously had all 8 seasons and now do not, or are seeing new bumpers, tag us with a screenshot!

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We'd also like to wish a happy International Women's Day to the wonderful Pidge: Paladin of the Green Lion and Left Arm of Voltron, who always reminds us to ask questions, seek answers, and that there is no weapon more powerful than your brain.

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Happy International Women's Day to our Princess Allura: Crown Princess of Altea, Paladin of the Blue Lion, Heart of Voltron, Chosen One of Oriande, and Life Giver. She is strong and kind, and most of all, she is the living embodiment of hope! 💖

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So on this day, our anniversary, wants to make a solemn promise: we will not stop until we We love this show and the creators’ original vision too much. Hope is in the stars, and it burns within us as strongly today as it did one year ago.

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There are only five of us, but our support has been outstanding. To everyone who has cheered us on, asked us questions, translated/shared our work, collaborated with us, and encouraged us to keep going, from the bottom of our hearts: thank you. 💜💜💜💜💜

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We’ve learned so much during this protest in and with every analysis we write, we form a deeper love for VLD. 14 months ago, we were heartbroken by the edited final season. And on this day last year, we promised each other we wouldn’t give up on the show we love.

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Happy much love to our namesake: Emperor Lotor, Child Raised in the Void, Slayer of Tyrants, Emperor who Pierced the Veil, Purple Paladin, the Purple Lion himself!

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Here at last, we at are proud to present to you...
The Original S7 Cliffhanger!
Come watch our reconstruction of the season as it was ORIGINALLY made!
Vrepit sa!

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Welcome to the official Twitter account! Follow us for updates on metas, Q&A, etc. all in one place!
Meet the team:
Vrepit Sa, and

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