

Shitposting / fandom account. For just the art, go to @JeusDoodles

フォロー数:297 フォロワー数:1575

Hux: Ren… Where's the BABY?

Kylo: *points to his hood*

Kylo: Shhh! He's sleeping.

19 97

This is all I care about now

18 113

Hello! Nice to meet you, I sort of, hum, crash landed not far from here, do you think you could help me?

Do I look like I can help you???

Where are you even going dressed like this?

…To my wedding.

Well you don’t look too happy about it, want to bail on them?

59 214

He’s the ginger, I cannot believe you didn’t recognize him

0 12

Chibi Hux running like an anime girl to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Dedicated to who wanted to put this cute thing on him lol

33 121

Also can we talk about how fucking cool Moff Gideon is???

32 180

Yeah and he promptly robbed Hux.

0 10

Here are bottom layers so you can see my progression for this picture, I work from blocky colors and slowly to fine details. I understand being suspicious, as photomanips and filtering photos and saying it's a painting are rampant in this fandom.

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