

TW: disturbing content
DNI: minors, radfems, ruzzians
23 y.o. male. aroace
Alt: @FesteringFlesh

Header: @_Elaiz_

フォロー数:3865 フォロワー数:865

trying to remember how to draw

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Ok, it's 26th of August in my place
So that's my birthday lmao
Idk if it's a tradition on twitter
But nicest gift for an artist is rt of their art
So you can rt this one if you want

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rest in peace my precious

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AI is now capable to visualize my nickname.
I give up.

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small creature for collab with one cool artist
they're busy rn so idk what will happen to this guy

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9 y.o. bonus that everyone probably saw already

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Alright, I hope someone will offer cash soon

Meanwhile here's some of my art examples just in case

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If you think you're slow at developing your art skills, look at this here
There's the very first "cool" drawing I made in 2014
And the latest "cool" drawing I made in 2022
Almost nothing changed
Exept smoothness, and that's it

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Well I suppose these collision physics are CATastrophic
+my cat

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