

A tall Graphic designer and artist. Enjoys video games, very chill individual.

He/Him Pronouns

Best friends with @Kantoemblem and @MageZorua…

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:19

Some simpler psychedelic designs based on the Psi king sensorium from With all 5 senses accounted for(1/2)

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Here are the echo fighters covers and the Marth/Lucina covers combined, the genres still apply to their equivalent.

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Banjo: Folk music
Terry: Punk rock
Byleth: Musical theater
Min min: Alternative rock

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Cloud: Alt. Rock
Corrin: Classical
Bayonetta: Acid jazz
Inkling: Punk rock

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Roy/Chrom: indie rock
G&W: Hard Rap
Meta knight: Black metal
Pit/Dark Pit: Christian rock

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Peach/Daisy: Classical
Bowser: Heavy metal
Ice climbers: Jazz
Sheik: Ambient music

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Ness: Trance music
Luigi: Big band
Falcon: Metal
Jigglypuff: Lullaby

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