

"Don't you test me, no! Just because I play piano doesn't mean I am not willing to take you down! I'm sorry." ~Not Today, Twenty One Pilots

フォロー数:232 フォロワー数:29

1. Thestra, a human, hard headed pirate girl. Very protective of her friends. (Riptide OC)
2. Novaria Hareth, a kalashtar girl posses by an evil spirit. Just wants to keep people safe from herself. (Apotheosis OC)
(art not mine, though I'm working on it)

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But to be honest, the Blood Orchid looks more terrifying than the Death Kiss

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Tried my hand at drawing a flag for the Riptide Pirates. We've got Chip's swords, Jay's family symbol, and swirling water for Gillion and to represent Riptide.

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Random Thoughts From A Sleep Deprived College Kid - Part 4

This is Old Man Earl from JRWI Riptide and you can't convince me otherwise.

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