


PFP by ameliaafterdark

フォロー数:759 フォロワー数:1323


What was the question?

1 5

After a fun and active day I'm off to bed!

Goodnight everyone.

0 7

*Does indeed shrink by a few inches and stands there blushing looking shocked you did it* Aaaaaaaahhhh..

0 0

Halloween..Free candy!

Trick or treat, please give me candy!

0 10

>//<;; I can confirm this is a fact..

0 1

Omg It's Chitoge!

I demand we see Tsugumi next!

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*Sighs* Times like this I wish I was tiny for real.

Money problems, bills..Adult stuff blah

4 22

I feel like I cant have a proper conversation with someone anymore. Either I don't know what to talk about or they seem to have zero interest in chatting >.<


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