


PFP by ameliaafterdark

フォロー数:761 フォロワー数:1322

Good evening. I finally got to sleep..But now I feel lazy >.<

I missed work! Hope no one is upset I couldn't make it to clean there foot and footwear! D:

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Ahhh being unable to sleep is the worst. Someone sing me a lullaby or maybe put me somewhere comfy >//<


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Ahhh morning! I slept well had a nice dream..You was there and I was tiny inside a cage and..Oooh it wasn't a dream was it? D:

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Well Guess we'll be spending ALOT of time together, Muhahahaha

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I agree. Love fairies!

I want one!

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We could beg..

"Pretty pwease cute boi, Step on me! >o<"

Oh thats still cute >o<

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That also sounds like me! >o<

Either we team up or fight to the death!

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