

DIX≈浮晦茗翟薤 | 18 | ENG&中文&日本語【勉強中】 | Please do not repost my works without credits.

フォロー数:45 フォロワー数:438

Tomo just went to buy cherry cakes. ̄ω ̄[No❌]

120 591

Recently I saw a picture and I mistook it for Kazuha's double-sword, so I want to draw it simply.QwQ

230 1044

I finally remembered my twitter password!Yeah!

432 1612

I really love Tomo&Kazuha!!
And I'm sorry that it might be difficult to translate the text above,so please bear with me.>︿<

826 3315

You already could not runaway!

537 2261

Go home with me , P L E A S E!!!!!!

3 26