

Hello! My name is Blaze. I'm a musician, artist and game dev.
I am currently working on a secret.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:112

There are so many games that I loved as a kid, but these are probably the ones I had the best memories of.

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Made some concept art for a game I am working on with some people.

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Happy late birthday . Hope you like the fan art!

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New profile picture (this is the last new one for a while).
From the snow comes water, and from the water come life.

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Oh my! I was messing around with shaders on the bullets and it gives some really cool results!(I don't know why the bullets are square now though)

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All snow melts if there is enough heat.

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New update to portraits. Not too happy with the left one (still need to work on) I might end up going with a bigger res to get more detail (current one is 44x44).

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Been working on trying to get better at character portraits.
Still need some work, but Its getting better.

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Made a new profile picture for Christmas! Snow doggo!

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