

Artist | Adult | I play games | Don’t really post here tbh

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:7

I drew this for my partner and I still think about it.

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Hehe new design of my splatsona Heartsong! Please enjoy my charger main baby!

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I'm Skye and I'm an artist who likes to draw their OC's!!

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These file names are very chaotic but anyways have the tentarays girls + my squid sona

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I don't draw Iris or Loki bc I can't draw males but I think I did pretty well. Loki time bitches.

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Pieces I plan to redraw this year

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She!! I love her sm she's my most drawn squid haha.

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Nothing fancy to say abt these two honestly. Just the TentaRays boys

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Out here appreciating Barracuda rn

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