Terrence T. Watsonさんのプロフィール画像

Terrence T. Watsonさんのイラストまとめ

World Famous Gamer 🌎🎮
SNK Official Game Studio Mod (八傑集)
Sᴀᴍᴜʀᴀɪ 侍 From The Tester Season 2

フォロー数:3175 フォロワー数:804

Tales Of Arise is my current obsession.

As far as the characters I've encountered so far goes? I love Alphen he is a perfect hero. Shionne comes off as way too uppity but I want to do right by her character and always include her in stuff. Rinwell is cute. Law I like. -> https://t.co/k6ITzlMJge

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You know what was the coolest thing about The King Of Festival Event? (KOFES2022) Outside of the gameplay matches & the cosplays? The fact that they legit had Meira Brother cosplayers & not a single person was upset about it in the english stream infact people were happy.(c)#SNK

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An Thought.

Speaking of Xanadu in KOF I feel similar to how Antonov received a massive Glow-Up from XIV to XV. If they were to re-introduce him I'd say give him long hair similar to his design concept and the bear traps he had in his concept art with his current look.

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The subject for tonight's SNK Take is Hanzo Hattori (服部はっとり 半蔵はんぞう) who is the protagonist and one of the original characters in the World Heroes series. He is Fuuma Kotaro's rival he was also in NGBC.

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Lilly Kane also has one based after Hotaru Futaba.

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The subject of Tonight's SNK Take is Lilly Kane (リリィ・カーン) who is from the Fatal Fury series. She first appeared in Fatal Fury 3 as Billy Kane's sister. Lilly however is playable in KOF: Maximum Impact 2, nicknamed as "The Lighthearted Launderer"

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The other character that is commonly associated with her is Felicia from Darkstalkers and this is mostly because Mignon has an alternate outfit which is pretty much a Catgirl Suit. Whereas Felicia naturally looks this way.

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The subject for tonight's SNK take is Alba Meira (アルバ・メイラ), who is the main protagonist of The KOF: Maximum Impact series. He is Soiree Meira's older twin brother. His official nickname is The Devil of Daybreak.

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The subject for tonight's SNK take is Soiree Meira (ソワレ・メイラ) who is one of the main characters of the KOF: MI Series. He is Alba Meira's younger twin brother. His nickname is "The Twilight Angel" in MI1 and "The Angel Of Evening" in MI2.

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The subject for tonight's SNK Take is Luise Meyrink (ルイーゼ・マイリンク) who is from The 'KOF MI' Series. She made her debut in KOF MI 2 and serves as the games sub boss. She is voiced by Hiroko Tsuji and Katrin Biemann.

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