

I like Pokemon | YT: youtube.com/@Tavi | Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:642 フォロワー数:3318

Digging around Sword and Shield dump files and come across this little Pokemon Legends Arceus Easter Egg🙂

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Repost because people really are wild'n about the leaks

If you don't like the game, don't buy it. You can have opinions about what you'd like to see done differently without being a jerk to others

You're probably the same one's that'll buy it and put +100hrs into it. Stfu

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Bold prediction

We are going to get access to Shiny Zacian and Zamazenta not through Sword and Shield event, but from PoGo

Which irritates me to no end after everything that's been going on.

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Pokemon meets KH?? 👀 Yes Please

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