

본 계정은 관점에 따라 불호, 성적인 요소를 포함하므로 메인 트윗에 유의하시어 팔로우 해주신다면 감사하겠습니다.

// 아주 가끔 그림을 올려요! //
// 인생 정상화를 위해 인터넷 접촉을 최소화 하는 과정에 있어요. //

フォロー数:639 フォロワー数:2298

Prototype Tight Lancelot Suit, learned so many things thanks to DNS.

12 75

's Comission, OC Reina Rosa.

1 8

" ta da- that was me about 2 weeks ago. I am now all fixed and g- "

0 2

Lancelot M-2, Combat Medic.

20 129

SIN's game under-development, most common enemies.

14 102

" You know I only have one month before mendotary discharge, right? I got proposed by lieutenant, he said he will look for the church where we can do wedding. I, I'm so excitied to- " [Multiple Gunshot] [Indistinguishable Noise] [End of Record]

2 7

Signal getting searched cuz she carried full auto SMG as lore but in Fictional City where almost gun carrying is illegal.

29 194

