

Mental Health Advocate, Main Speaker in the Cactusboom NFTerry Mental Health Room, X-Host for Mental Health Spaces, Check Out My Instagram NFTerry1…

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WTF you made it to the Moon and you didn’t bring the rest of us…?

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Where the Flux is everyone….? and everyone else…Say Hello…!

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Burgers Burgers Burgers…where’s all the Burgers

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Where’s all the Damn Hamburgers out there…? It’s almost dinner time!!!

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I might be able to part with one of these…? But…you’ll have to load up that wallet quite a bit more?

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These Kongs just keep showing up….? Go Get a Kong…. If Not For Your Collection, Maybe For Your Protection…??? Everyone Needs a Kong!

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Where the Flux are all the Fluxtopians?…Do you have Your Plot Yet, if not what are you waiting for…Lets Fluxing Go…Check It Out!

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Let all Get Fluxed Up…. It’s Almost Friday! Let’s Fluxin Goooo!

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Koala’s Where Are You…? Show us where you are… It’s not to late to get one of these Koalas if you don’t already have one, you should honestly check them out…

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