Teru Loves You 💜さんのプロフィール画像

Teru Loves You 💜さんのイラストまとめ

I'm Teru, I'm pretty, and I love you!!! xoxo 💜💜💜💫💫💫💫

-Teru (he/him)

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:229

It's Teru Tuesday~! You know what that means -- wear something that makes you feel confident today, Teruki Hanazawa style! I'm sure you look great!~💜💫

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Today's Teru Tuesday has been overshadowed by Suzuki's birthday~☆ but, because I am so generous and humble, I will allow today to be all about him!~♡💕🎉💫 What do you like about Shou Suzuki? I'll start. When Shou is around, Ritsu doesnt target me with his jokes as much!

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If you haven't drank any water in a little while, go get some! If you want luxurious, stunning hair like mine, you need to be drinking lots of water!!~💜💫

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Vote this week if you're an American and 18+!! I know what you're thinking... "Teru!? I'm a member of the Teru nation first and an American second~☆" and while I'm glad your priorities are in order, it's important to vote if you have the priviledge to!! 😊💜💕

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I think this is the best ♡Mob Monday♡ yet, Teru nation 😊😊💜💜💜💜💓💗💗💗💓💓💕💕💕💕💫💫💫💫💚🥦💚🥦💚🥦💜🥦💜🥦💜🥦I can't stop smiling!~♡💕💫

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Two boys, off to change the world!~☆😈💜💕

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Just some photos from my "starting middle school" photoshoot! 💕💫 How much has changed since then!!!!!!?? ⭐️💫💜💜🌌🌠🎆

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Y'know what day it is Teru Nation! Take a look in the mirror and smile, cause its Teru Tuesday!!!! 💗💕💖💫👑 I'm celebrating with friends today 😊💗💖

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