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# lgr

THX Denis. It’s a great day to celebrate all of our friendships & people close to us. I hope you’re having a fun time. Have a relaxing holiday weekend dear friend. Take care.🖤〰️🖤

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TY Denis. Have a lovely night. Rest well & pleasant dreams. Wishing u a great day tmrw. Take care.🖤〰️🖤

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You have all the right moves Velkan. You get bonus points for the stick. It’s so good to see you having fun. I love this video. Pure joy! Have a pawesome rest of your day handsome boy. ♥️🐾🐕💙🥰😘😘💋💋🐾🥰😍💙♥️

20 16

I’ll pick u up Velkan. I’m a fast driver. We could have so much fun driving everywhere sweet boy. I love all your adorable facial expressions. You’re so handsome & funny. 🐾💙♥️🐾😍🥰😘🤗🐕

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Hey Denis. Wishing u a beautiful & delightful evening. Hope u had fun cycling this wknd. Have a wonderful new week. Sleep peacefully & sweet dreams.🖤〰️🖤

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Aww Velkan. You look so sophisticated in black & white. Handsome in every color. I love your eyebrows. So adorable.♥️🐾🐕🐾😘😘💋😘😘💋🥰🤗♥️💙

21 13

Kreider!!! Amazing game!

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Hi gorgeous Velkan. Maybe mom can take pole dancing as a hobby! 😉😜 we just can’t get enough of you handsome. Enjoy your day at the park. Hope you get some good sniffs & fresh air. 🐾💙♥️🐾😘🐕🤗🥰😍

34 17

Happy birthday Ghis! Cheers.🎉

13 18

Night Denis. Have a restful & peaceful night. Sleep well & pleasant dreams. Take care. 🖤🖤〰️🖤🖤

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