Testsubject410 (Bird Gang)さんのプロフィール画像

Testsubject410 (Bird Gang)さんのイラストまとめ

He/Him | Writer | Lover of Hippos | 18+ | #1 Gloria simp | A writer who loves to make stories about big gals with bigger hearts! ❤ Icon by @Robthehoopedch1

フォロー数:422 フォロワー数:871

16.) Tallest and shortest Ocs

The shortest (if you can call it that) is Somni, at 6'10

The tallest, you already guessed is arianne at 11'7, and that's just for starters!

The while roster's height can be seen in this handy chart!

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9.) Weirdest OC
That would go to Somni! What sets her apart from my other gals aside from her design is that she can help people get the perfect nights sleep, and then have lovely dreams as well.

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4.) Any Villian OCs?

None at the moment! I'm a big softie so all my characters are nice :p

That being said said, Aushia would be the closest to fit that description. Her opponents in the ring certainly think she's a villian!

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3.) Favorite OC

Oof man, this is tough, I love both Ava and Marianne, but Marianne barely comes out on top. I mean come on, look at that smile and fluff, 10/10 would hug

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1.) My oldest OC

That would have to be Ava! I got her bust from a free art raffle in stream by Bonky on FA. I pretty much asked for Gloria with boobs XD though I'm happy with her evolution as of now

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Another challenge! You can choose outfits for any of my gals. I'm interested to see how this goes :D

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