

Shitposter and Pixel Artist, what more could you ask for?
Resident Springtrap and Garfield expertise.
Maya Fey, Knuckles, and Luigi fangirl.

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:732

the average joe will be familiar with the existence of William Afton soon.
However at least now we have a proper face for him, one that actually fits, and we're no longer stuck with whatever this thing was.

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Sometimes I forget the legend that is Brow Boy has appeared in so many games. He was in FNaF World, FNaF World Halloween Edition, a minigame in FFPS, and a boss in Fury's Rage.
They've been in more games than Nightmare Foxy has last I checked.

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The other is the lack of the corpse. I understand the argument that this is meant to be a simplistic figure however they might have wanted to do a different pose where it wasn't overly obvious something was missing.

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Even then Security Breach does double down on the canonicity of FNaF AR as many of the skins are referenced via arcade machines and Luis is mentioned at several points in the Retro CDs.
So trying to rule it off as non canon to ignore GF's appearance was a weird move on his part.

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Still thinking about how the most interesting thing about this man is the fact he canonically collects Sonadow images.

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Here's some pixel art icons I did recently of Springtrap and Flaming Springtrap for my flair on old reddit.

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List of beings that Jack Black has gone up against.

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"Puffshroom, you've been wearing that giant foam cowboy hat for eight months now. Please for your family take it off."
"Hey, hey I can take this hat off anytime I want. I just don't want to.. GET AWAY".

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Even the promotional material for Security Breach has gone with both depending on the piece.
Like above the same applies with merchandise of the character.

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