Ayla! (pls keep convos on my profile SFW/PG)さんのプロフィール画像

Ayla! (pls keep convos on my profile SFW/PG)さんのイラストまとめ

Hi, I’m Ayla! I’m a huge fire emblem fan and sprite editor that works with many sprite styles in the community! ✨ Huge Alfonse and Sharena fan ✨ autistic ✨

フォロー数:371 フォロワー数:410

So uh. I may have become attached to Penny from warioware bc I love her energy after playing get it together

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Meanwhile, both of these compared to when I first tried it when Feh first came around… yeah I’ve definitely improved

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So I’m looking back over some incredibly old sprites and just… the progress??? How did I advance so much

(Incredibly early) 2020 vs 2021

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In all honesty this is my only noteworthy one lol (I’ve made others but this is honestly my proudest Alfonse edit)

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Ended up doing this too and omg the height comparisons are like. Actually spot on bc Ayla is shorter than Alfonse and only a little shorter than sharena

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Got New Years Ayla done in time for me to be able to have time for me to make a little graphic for New Years!

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Okay so me hoping that my screaming into the TL about my secret Otome addiction would go unnoticed backfired but I may as well just say

Gosh darn Karno is cute they had no right to make him as pretty as they did and make his story so good Omg I love him

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