One of my most favoritest things is coming home and telling @BearKingatLaw about my day and my interests when I know he is always listening ! Adorable Bluey-style art by @Kaiizree
[T r a n s f o r m e d]
(Don't stare too hard at the anatomy, just having fun)
Lantern and Buzzsaw sharks not getting rarity bumps this new set is honestly so criminal.. I'm so in love with their art and the fact they only come in common?? Actually joking
One of my best friends is open for comms, give her a look!!
Feeling funny on #TFtuesday and... Growing a tail!? Wh-whered this come from, what's going on!?? O-OOK OOK!!?
Art from the amazing @skyebluew0lf #tfeveryday