

TWIN RUNES most Sundays!
Kris with braces is my legacy

フォロー数:213 フォロワー数:29792

I never really shared this... have I?

54 609

This is your brain on too much stress

1259 9541

Comics will be done whenever they're done from here on out. No more self-imposed schedules.
The next one's gonna be tomorrow though 👌

46 1009

A little bit of fanart, because is freaking dope 👌

33 271

Btw, I completely forgot to leave a HUGE thank you for every single one of you who wished me a Happy Birthday! There were so many of you I couldn't have possibly replied to everyone. But seeing all of them seriously made my day ❤️

18 291



Without saving new images, where is your mental health at?
(Featuring gift art from mah boo and ) https://t.co/oX5oa4Ipna

8 107