

23 / Camera Operator / Animator…

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:1601

Behold, in all her glory!

0 4

E: Just you wait. I'll get Cola then soon the old gang will be back together and drinking delicious hot schmoes!
M: ... There called s'mores Evil.

2 2

Random covid doodles about school stuff with Kathy, speaking of her got big plans for her birthday next week!

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Last day of summer 🌞

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Well this took unnecessary long to figure out, but I finally know how to draw, boots. Kathy always wore them but I didn't know how to show it properly, at least she's happy about it.

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Hi, it's been a long while since I made something for you thought of this that wasn't in Madness style. Also saw one of your pieces of a cactus and drew inspiration from that.

2 35

Most sinful and lewd thing I made to date

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