

Fine Art Painter with a Hopper touch. Swimmer. Cat Worshipper.
"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"

#TheBlueWave #Resist

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This is not pretty but I'm posting it for all those macho-types out there (I pledge to spend the rest of the day posting beautiful paintings)

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"Fire Island Lighthouse" Summer 2020 begins! Watercolors by Lynda "Kitty" Engstrom

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I do skies. In oils usually, sometimes watercolors.

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I'm an artist and I paint in NYC parks during Cherry Blossom madness. Here's one I did this week with gloves and a mask. Where there's a will there's a way Paintings by Lynda@

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"Anna" oil pastel on paper 9"W x 12"H The Hydra Series ©2020 lynda engstrom

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Can't believe Twitter is letting you get away with this. OK. Looks like the coast is clear to put up my erotic drawings.

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