

HTML monkey by day, multimedia artist by night.

Pixel art generally, digital art frequently, physical art occasionally.

For projects, click link

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:32

A new design for its an Maybe she wants to give you a smooch? Buy a and find out ;-)

1 10

A quick design on my lunch today- 35 mins start to finish!

3 6

A bit of from this weekend. Anyone want to get cosy?

4 14

A quick idea I've been working on. Welcome to

2 10

Productive evening with some seafloor treasure 💚

1 5

Another rework of an older piece 💚

2 11

Re-worked an old image into something a bit more exciting 💚

7 27

I'm playing at the moment and there are some chat skits which pop up between the occasionally. They're represented by images which I decided to recreate with as the originals aren't so great...

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