

He/Him. Artist, Animation enthusiast (CN, Disney and Nick).

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:595

TLHM Alternate Ending where Lincoln keeps the crown as a souvenir and place in his trophy case.

Lincoln decided to dismantle the monarchy in Scotland and make Angus the president instead of duke.

Everyone in Loch Loud are fine with this except for Morag.

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Ronnie Anne got shrunken on accident by Sid Chang, and now she has to wait 12 hours to get back in her regular size.

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Undercover Mom: Ancestors Edition.

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Geriantics: Ancestors Edition.

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Left In the Dark: Ancestors Edition.

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Evil Lincoln Loud gave Leni a black eye by hitting her with a baseball bat for no reason at all.

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Lincoln to Lisa in Room with a Feud: "Guess what, Ms. Smarty Pants? There must be a flaw in your testing algorithm because Lily and I are definitely not compatible."
Lincoln to Lily in the movie: "Turned out, We are compatible after all"

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