The Brawl Girlさんのプロフィール画像

The Brawl Girlさんのイラストまとめ

27 yrs old. Gamer/artist. Co-runs @QbbyForSmash


Art: @BrawlGirl

フォロー数:1340 フォロワー数:901

Completely different brands.

Similar naming idea.

4 8

Why do I find it weird for Toons!Matilda to 'deflate' after she lays her egg bomb and not with Classic!Matilda?

1 5

Rumors say why Hal doesn't appear in Toons is because he's not fond of cameras. But why isn't he fond of cameras...?

11 16

And more iPhone art. Slowly getting the hang of it.

1 11

A shoutout to sad Red being canon.

...Actually, while being the angriest he's also the saddest?

4 12

"The color is a key to mating success—the brighter the better."

In that case Red DEFINITELY succeeds in that.~

1 5

I can't believe that I predicted Red holding a Golden Duckie...

5 25

The surprise costumes in Seasons are just so amusing! Here we have The Redinator...

1 6

And for some other crazy reason I see 's Chuck perfectly be Genie.

3 10