The Burning Donut: Rumble V-Tuberさんのプロフィール画像

The Burning Donut: Rumble V-Tuberさんのイラストまとめ

Furry, Weeboo, Motorcycle enthusiast Game and art streamer anti communist and professional degenerate!

for Just art my go to @burningdonutart

フォロー数:3724 フォロワー数:606

4) I don't know if it counts but screw it!

Dante from Devil may cry I'd a badass with a sense of humor!

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2) Vash the Stampede.

He's a badass and keeps smiling no matter how bad the world fucks him over!

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I find it hilarious that one of these is considered pointless objecting and sexualizing and the other has a "deep story" and is considered artsy!

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Allright so here's a hot take that might get me in trouble!

Azure Lane is so much fun because it's "story" structure and slightly military themed structure is reminiscent of 80's series like G.I.Joe and Transformers...

But with boobs and Pantyshots!

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Enterprise (The leader) reminds me of a slightly more self destructive Optimus Prime in many ways

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