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@The0_cqt @NaeHanji @JonaKazami Forgive me for using my own art, but "Thicc" refers to slightly chubby and having a big ass and tits and such...
At least that's my understanding of it.
@ufob0t Pardon me but.....
What the fuck am I looking at here?
Waaaaa America hates shows made for girls....
Says people who know nothing about the animation! https://t.co/nwylYi3duU
You know Japan has entire Genres made just for young girls!
All these shows and comics you want exist you just have to get off yer ass and look!
There are whole anthology series with nothing but series for young female readers!
Stop whining about the mainstream and find it! https://t.co/lFbkgUwR40
I get so sick of this argument like anyone who know anything about animation KNOWS this is blatant bullshit! https://t.co/IQlW4rTPMU
Don't you just love how all three current anime protagonists are girls and arent....
Whoo boy it sure would be stupid to say something about them all not being a race...
Why that would almost be something a racist would do or something! https://t.co/oi73lPMouJ