

The names Beans, Canned Beans.

100% Human artist/ Warhammer & Gundam enjoyer/ Way too much time on my hands/ 23 years on earth and still bikes to work.

フォロー数:919 フォロワー数:34

This is all I got for
Good thing I didn't miss it.

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"he gets so grouchy when he hasn't had his nap"

A weird bear, goat, hybrid thing that was fun to draw. I see that I'm on some sort of trend with this prompt and it involves hybrids and dinosaurs.

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"Didn't I see this in a film once?"

I didn't really enjoy this one, this one didn't come out as striking or interesting to me as much as I hoped. Maybe i could have come up with something better for this cryptid, but nothing came to mind.

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"I think the otters are sick"

I enjoyed the coloring on this one even though its a simple pallet it was fun getting that aquatic look.
Tales say its a very aggressive creature I bet its just misunderstood.

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"A weird bird"

I had to do this submission really quick on my phone. Yeah not much else to say other than I like this funky dino bird.

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"Don't trust his lies"

Yeah he may be adorable, but he's probably planing something evil behind those beady eyes.
Drawing more consistently has helped me recognize the little bits and pieces I can work on in the future of my illustrations.

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"A group of creatures watching travelers"

The Santa Lucia dark watchers were next on the list. This was really rushed as I was spending time with family. So, in the future I'm gonna do this one justice, giving it a proper piece or even more.

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Bunyip, coming second for cryiptid in July. I'm really pleased with the detail of this one, additionally the color pallet as well. I feel that this piece can be further improved, but probably in the future.

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"A dubious little creature up to no good"
-A Man With A Very Strong Jawline.

The beginning of Cryptid in July. I'm really stoked on doing more of these throughout the month.

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