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These 5 holding it down (Maybe some recency bias for Moon Girl lol)

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Yeah, Green Goblin has been one of Spider-Man's most dangerous villains for decades because he's not strong enough to go blow for blow 💀


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Same goes for New 52 before those universes merged during Rebirth. Here's N52 Clark and Pre-Flashpoint Clark clearly being two different people lol

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Just cuz it's been in a book doesn't mean a whole movie can be justified by it, especially when it runs against general characterization. Otherwise, you'd be giddy to see this shit in live action lmfao

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Because the character is 80 years old and you're using stills that are not only non canon, but also isolated even for the time since this was released not even a year later.

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Right, malnourished, kept in a government cage, in a movie based on Flashpoint...

Nah this definitely is completely coincidental lmfao

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How do y'all not even grasp the most basic beats of Flashpoint lol

It's an alternate timeline where everything is broken. So we have a violent Supergirl. Just like Clark was in the comic.

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