

MOSTLY (?) HAPPY THINGS (and uh drawings I guess...)

フォロー数:52 フォロワー数:524

Dorky boyfrans singing dorky duets

17 36

Being in unrequited love with your best friend can be stifling (Slytherin!Marco as per an ask)

41 84

JeanMarco in the rain is my aesthetic (will put full version on Tumblr later)

8 25

"Weren't you supposed to be on art hiatus for the past two weeks?"
"Yes" //cries off into sunset (design by Lomonte)

11 30

Someone put Honeysuckle flowerboy in my ask box //i can't do innuendos hello

11 29

JeanMarco Olympian Gods are so cute uwu //designs by Lomonte!

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Now that Thanksgiving is out of the way nOTHING CAN STOP CHRISTMAS NOTHING

21 44

I got Alpha Sapphire for my bday and it was either the worst decision to play it or the best. Design by

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I feel ya Marco...

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Sometimes Jean feels like a mom (continuation of the adventures of sleepy!Marco)

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