

Multi-media Artist, die-hard Racing fan, and Soul Brother #1


フォロー数:653 フォロワー数:262

*suck suck*

2022 Day 21: Maggie costume

Maggie's little starfish snowsuit is so CUTE!

See the whole prompt list here:

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"No Father's Day Eve? Does this mean there's no such thing as Daddy Claus?"

2022 Day 19: Season 16-20

In See Homer Run, Homer becomes the Safety Salamander to be role model for Lisa & eventually run for mayor.

See the whole prompt list here:

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"Cool Tapes are cool and we like it like that!"

Marzipan, Strong Mad, and The Cheat's band from the cartoon "Cool Things."

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"But I have finger insurance!"
"A thumb is not a finger!"

2022 Day 13: Season 11 - 15 Episode

In "Trilogy of Error," Homer gets his thumb cut off whilst trying to snatch a freshly baked brownie. Hijinks ensue!

See the whole prompt list here:

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"I'm Bartman."
"Never heard of him; full price."

2022 Day 11: Bart Costume.

Yeah, I drew Bartman last year, but you can't keep the Bartman down!

See the whole prompt list here:

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Comic page based on the chorus to "Antidote" by Pain (now ) that I made because it's been stuck in my head all summer.

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"Amusing Tombstones, RIP"

2022 Day 4: Favorite Couch Gag

Hard to choose a favorite, but since it's spooky month, I'll pick the intro to Treehouse of Horror V.

See the whole prompt list here:

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"Ruined before it hit the ground..."

2022 Day 3: Season 1 - 5 Episode

Mr. Burns can't swallow his own story as he coughs up a bite of Blinky from "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish."

See the whole prompt list here:

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Paying tribute to the music video for the most GOATED song ever performed; the Bob the Builder cover of Mambo No. 5.

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Usually I only draw Christian in dumb outfit challenges, like burgerkinis and full-body pants, so it's refreshing to draw something that's actually aesthetically pleasing!

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